[Guest Blog] Beyond friendly faces and enthusiasm: how events can offer a mental health boost
Ahead of BTME, the trade show's organiser shares their efforts, progress and challenges on incorporating wellbeing elements in the event.

From home gathering to international gaming festival: how Harrogate nurtures the expansion of AireCon
Harrogate has seen some events grow exponentially over a few years, thanks to the vision and hard work of the organisers but also the unique location.

What happens when business events come to Harrogate?
What is the impact of these business events to the local economy? Well, let’s speak to some of the local businesses....

What's on this Christmas in Harrogate?
With a variety of Christmas activities on offer, Harrogate promises a memorable holidays season for everyone.

Honouring Victims of Terrorism—by Making Events Safe
As International Day of Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism approaches, we take a look at what venues and organisers are doing to keep everyone safe.

40 Years since Eurovision
Take a walk down memory lane and revisit some of the great events at HCC since Eurovision, how they have helped shape Harrogate and what’s next.

Thought Bubble Goes Back to the Drawing Board
As the events sector is shut down by the pandemic a comic book art festival is using creativity and innovation to heroically rescue its flagship event

Harrogate Convention Centre - The NHS Nightingale Story
Just over a week after Captain Moore officially opened NHS Nightingale Yorkshire and Humber - it’s time to reflect on a month when everything changed.

Billy Ocean plus special guest, March 2016
When The Going Gets Tough, come and see Billy Ocean at the Convention Centre

Harrogate Choral Society – Popular Choral Classics
From Zadok the Priest to Jerusalem; expect a wonderful evening of glorious choral singing.